Your Line or Mine

The Your Line or Mine project is an interactive installation, featured in the Blikopener Spot in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

In the space visitors find piles of preprinted sheets of A4 paper containing short drawing instructions. Once a drawing is finished, the visitor scans it. It is then directly added to the animation and projected onto projection screens in the space. It becomes apparent that on it’s own, each drawing is the result of a unique hand, but when they are strung together, the drawings form ever-evolving, dynamic animations.

What did I build?

I was asked by Moniker, the makers of the installation, to provide support for the hardware and electronics development of the installation. Each table consists of a scanner, a raspberry pi computer, LED lights, a large 50mm arcade push button and custom electronics. The raspberry pi runs a Python (Twisted) server deamon which is responsible for controlling the scanner and controlling the I/O flow (LEDs and push buttons).


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Created on 23 Grudzień 2013 20:42, last modified on 23 Grudzień 2013 20:51.

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