Process art

Process Art: Software processes as driving force for new media art

The continuously growing popularity of the so-called "new media art" calls for a critical reflection upon the driving force which exists behind all incarnations of this new art form: software. Every artwork which uses software as its controlling mechanism will never reach its definitive form, but is, due to the ungraspable nature of software, in a constant flux.  As an expressive medium, software can and must be used to communicate: Upcoming phenomena like Live Coding performances provide a clear indication for this.  Regarding the collaborative nature of software, the rise of opensource cultures in the arts raises novel questions about authorship: new licensing paradigms should be implemented on a wider scale to guarantee a work's continued existence. Finally, the generative nature of software is regarded as an indicator for how the control of the creative process can be delegated, in an act of ultimate interpassivity.


Op deze pagina bevindt zich het paper "Process art: software als leidraad voor nieuwe-mediakunst", het afstudeer-paper van Arjan Scherpenisse voor de Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. Juli 2009.

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Created on 15 Listopad 2009 17:46, last modified on 30 Czerwiec 2011 20:45.

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