App for “Ruilen” exhibition

For the “Ruilen” (swapping) exhibition organised by Mediamatic Foundation, I developed an Android app which let visitors “check in” their object at the exhibition. The Ruilen exhibition was about exchanging goods: when visiting the exhibition you are asked to leave something behind, and in exchange take something else from the exhibition with you.

For this purpose there were two desks set up: the check-in desk allowed visitors to put an NFC tag to their object, identify it and take a picture of the owner with the object. Then you entered the exhibition and put the object on a shelf. When leaving the exhibition, you would take another object from a shelf, bring it to the check-out desk, swipe its tag and take a picture of you with the object. That way, it made a connection between the pictures, displaying them side-by-side on the website.

What did I build?

I implemented both the checkin and checkout apps, as fullscreen Android apps running on Nexus 7 tablets.


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Created on 10 Listopad 2012 14:55, last modified on 10 Listopad 2012 15:03.

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