
GoldRepublic offers a full service online solution for private and professional investors to invest in physical gold. The buyer becomes 100% owner of the bullion which is directly stored in independently managed vaults in Amsterdam, Zurich or Frankfurt.

What did I build?

GoldRepublic approached me to help developing a new software framework for their business process. Their previous platform had reached its limits in terms of functionality and maintainablility.

Over the course of a few months I laid the basis for their new online bullion trading platform. Among the new features are the support for multiple currencies, automatic calculation of profit margins (cost of goods sold), multiple users and access levels per account, and much more.

The backend functions as a gateway to all business logic processes. Although it is an internal API, meant to be accessed only by other GoldRepublic platforms like their mobile app and their website, its architecture allows external exposure so that in the future GoldRepublic's clients can write their own automated trading robots which interact with the API.

PHP was used as the main language with the new framework Lithium as base. Doctrine 2.1 with PostgreSQL is used as data modelling layer, the app is served through nginx/php5-fpm, logging is done in MongoDB and asynchronous and long-running tasks are handled by worker scripts over beanstalkd.

Created on 10 Luty 2012 09:23, last modified on 28 Październik 2015 12:01.

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