Posted on 1 Wrzesień 2011

Presentation at Erlangcamp Boston

At the Erlang Camp in Boston, last august 12/13, I presented Zotonic to the camp attendees.

The Erlang camp was a 2-day introduction to the Erlang programming language for programmers from various fields of work. My presentation was meant to give the attendees an impression of how a "real life" Erlang project was structured and maintained.

The presentation was based on Marc's presentation at the Erlang Factory 2010 in London, and was positively received. As most of the attendees were not web developers by trade, they were surprised by the fact that such a mature web development framework existed in Erlang.


Created on 11 Wrzesień 2011 14:37, last modified on 28 Wrzesień 2011 06:18.

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